Eating marijuana seeds, a habit that is as simple as it is healthy

They are considered by specialists to be little nutritional gems. They are the most complete and valuable vegetable protein in existence. Cannabis seeds deserve to occupy a special place in the pantry of those who are concerned about eating a balanced and healthy diet. We also discover how easy it is to incorporate them into our diet and reveal the best tips for acquiring and preserving them. Of course, it is essential to be careful to buy them of the highest quality, as in the case of the best cannabis seeds, as this is the only way to guarantee that you will reap all their benefits.

Food marijuana seeds are a very specific kind of cannabis plant. They are characterized by the fact that their composition does not include THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, the substance responsible for the psychoactive effects attributed to marijuana used for recreational purposes. This difference is precisely essential because it allows you to eat marijuana seeds with absolute peace of mind regarding possible unwanted side effects. These seeds are not hallucinogenic, nor do they generate dependence. Eating cannabis seeds does not get you high and, on the contrary, has excellent positive effects on your health.

What are cannabis seeds?

About the size of a kernel of corn and hard, these are the seeds of the cannabis plant. Inside, they contain soft, light green or white nuggets, which are the real “healthy hearts” we refer to when we talk about cannabis seeds. They are so nutritionally potent that it is enough to ingest a couple of tablespoons of cannabis seeds a day to provide our bodies with important substances such as essential amino acids, omega 3 and 6, and essential minerals such as iron, calcium, sodium and potassium.

They are not a product that has only recently been discovered, although for greater certainty, numerous recent scientific studies have been carried out that corroborate these exceptional nutritional qualities. The truth is that marijuana seeds have been part of the human diet for centuries. Interesting not only for their quality as plant-based proteins, but also for the proportion in which they provide enough much-needed nutrients such as essential amino acids, healthy fats, fiber and even vitamins. By the way, people with gluten assimilation problems can take marijuana seeds with complete peace of mind, there is no risk of allergies or metabolic reactions.

There are other ways to consume this superfood, such as oil or powder made from cannabis seeds, but they are not as effective. The concentration is higher when adding these delicious “nuggets” to our usual recipes. Yes, because they are also a tasty food, which leaves a mild, nut-like taste in the dishes to which they are added. And it goes with everything, as we are going to see below.


Culinary secrets for adding cannabis seeds to your dishes

Cooking with cannabis seeds is as easy or as sophisticated as you decide. If you prefer a fresh and light diet, you won’t have any problems. Cannabis seeds are the perfect accompaniment to salads, vegetable creams, smoothies or yoghurts. If you are an unconditional fan of pasta and rice dishes, you will continue to prepare your favorite recipes, but now enriched at a nutritional level. A couple of tablespoons of cannabis seeds in your pesto, carbonara or Bolognese sauce and… enjoy! The same opportunity to eat even healthier is available to those who prefer traditional cuisine, your vegetable stews or casseroles are perfect for incorporating a handful of cannabis seeds. With baked fish or meat, just sprinkle them on top, golden and crunchy, they are also exquisite and do not lose any of their nutritional value.

Finally, those who prefer plant milk variants (soy, almond, oat, rice) or those who are lactose intolerant can make their own milk from cannabis seeds. As simple as mixing in a ratio of 6 parts water to one tablespoon of seeds. Whip and adjust according to your taste for creaminess. There is no need to worry about the flavor, it is smooth and has a taste reminiscent of nuts.

How to buy and store them?

We have seen how easy it is to incorporate cannabis seeds into any type of diet, and how easy it is to buy them. There are conventional shops specializing in the sale of this product, but not everyone has one near their home, so the most convenient system is to do it online, which reaches all corners of the world. Whichever method you choose, the only essential thing is to make sure that you do it in a specialized center and with all the guarantees.

As for storage, quality marijuana seeds come in hermetically sealed and opaque packaging, so that they are protected from sunlight and humidity. Once the package is opened, the seeds should be kept in an airtight container and stored in your pantry or in a place with good temperature conditions. It can also be kept in the fridge or, if you want to extend its shelf life without running the risk of it deteriorating, you have the option of freezing it. In the latter case, you must follow the same instructions and care that are recommended for freezing and thawing any vegetable.

Marijuana seeds are, as has been proven, more than just a nutritional supplement. There are few foods that can exhibit a comparable level of nutrition. They are one of those unique foods because of the quantity and quality of their healthy contributions. If, on top of that, they have a pleasant taste and can be cooked in a thousand different ways… how can you resist trying them? Their price is affordable for everyone, and they are easy to buy on the internet. In short, all these advantages make it easy to understand why they are becoming one of those essential products in the homes of any country in the world.

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